Copyright © 2025 Fastener Training Institute All Rights Reserved
Fastener Training Institute
Embrittlement -
What Suppliers
Need to Know
Date: Thursday, May 25,
Time: 11:00 a.m. - 12:30
p.m. PT
Location: Webinar
Instructor: Carmen Vertullo, Fastener Consultant and Trainer, Carver
Course Details:
There is no quality assurance problem that gets suppliers in more trouble
than Hydrogen Embrittlement (HE). This could easily be the most
important 90 minutes of training your company EVER engages in. It does
not matter if you process fasteners that are HE susceptible or not, you
probably sell them or handle them somewhere in the supply chain. It is
critical that you have a good understanding of Hydrogen Embrittlement,
its causes, its effects and how to prevent and detect it.
Topics Include:
Who in your organization needs to know about HE?
What is the difference between EHE and IHE and why it matters
Fundamentals of the HE failure investigation
What are the classic symptoms of a HE caused failure?
How to safely process HE susceptible products, and when to say NO.
What are the HE susceptible products?
How to communicate with your customers and your suppliers about
Basics of what is known about the HE mechanism
Resources you will take away:
Case based examination of actual HE failure investigations
How to arrive a proper root cause, corrective and preventive action
Specifications and standards that you must have and understand
Sample Risk Management policies for HE prevention
Access to IFI resources for understanding and communicating about
Access to the most in-depth and authoritative HE training and
technical materials available today
The latest information on HE research
What you need to know about plating, baking, testing and certifying
Pricing Information:
Single Participant: $125.00
Multiple attendees (up to 10) : $225.00 Registrants for multiple
attendees will receive a video/audio replay of the webinar accessible
for 1 week.
Please contact Jo Morris for details on discounts and subscription
package or 562.473.5373 x 104
Cancellations and requests for refunds must be made no later than May
24, 2023. Cancellations must be made with Jo Morris. Cancelling
registration with GoToWebinar does not cancel class registration. Thank
you. The Fastener Training Institute reserves the right to change
instructors or cancel seminars and cannot be held responsible for costs
incurred other than the registration fee.